Motherboard | Backlightboard | |
Generalparameters | Inputvoltage | DC3.2-4.2V1200mAhlithiumbattery |
Outputvoltageandcurrent | 5V500mA | |
Inputvoltageandcurrent | 5V600mA | |
LCDdisplay | Display | Showsthepercentageofremainingbatterypowerwhen thescreen is lightt up. |
Internalcharging | PluginUSB5Vcharging,turnontheboost5Voutput, thepowerdisplayisdividedinto4files,25%,50%, 75%,100%.TheLCDisalwaysonwhencharging, anditisfullyextinguished. | |
Externaldischarge | TheLCDscreenis turn offafter20seconds,andthe5V boostoutputisstartedatthesametime.The minimumcurrentis<55μA | |
Lowpressureprompt | Turnoffthe5VoutputwhiletheLCDscreen shows0%power | |
Protection | shortcircuitprotection | WhentheFuulchargingboxisinthechargingstate andsimultaneouslychargetheJUUL,iftheoutput terminalisshortcircuited,the5Voutputisautomatically turnedoff,andthescreenisflashed3timesandthen alwaysbright;whenthechargingboxonlychargesthe JUUL,iftheoutputterminalisshortcircuited,The5V outputisautomaticallyturnedoff,andthescreen flashes3times.After20seconds,itgoesoutand needstobepluggedinagaintodetectcharging. |

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